Shop update - Galactic Legion Desert Planet Huts

投稿者 :Raul Rodriguez on

Check out this week's release!

Galactic Legion Desert Planet Huts - EnderToys Terrain

We have a new addition to our Galactic Legion collection, a subset of sci-fi themed scenery for miniature wargames. We've just dropped this pair of Galactic Legion Desert Planet Huts, two highly detailed buildings for $29.99. Couple these with complimentary terrain supplied in our set of Galactic Legion Desert Planet Walls & Machinery to complete your battlefield!

Subscribers can save 20% on this set until April 30, 2020 at 11:59 PM PST with discount code 24APR20—sign up here.

Not what you're looking for? Don't fret, as we are always releasing new terrain and open to new ideas. Get in contact and let us know what you'd like to see us make next.


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