Shop update - Kraken and Mystic Mushrooms

Check out this week's releases!

Kraken - EnderToys Terrain

Looking for an epic encounter on your next adventure? We've got you covered! The Kraken is our first monster miniature. The full kit includes one body and 6 tentacles (4 variations). Get yours now for only $9.99!

Kraken - EnderToys Terrain

Next up, we've added some small bits to our nature collection. These Mystic Mushrooms are a great addition to any woods or marshland setting. Get 4 patches for only $9.99!

Subscribers can save 20% on these sets until August 19, 2020 at 11:59 PM PST with discount code 13AUG20—sign up here.

Not what you're looking for? Don't fret, as we are always releasing new terrain and open to new ideas. Get in contact and let us know what you'd like to see us make next.

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