Shop update - Hill Giant Bone Fire Pit and Medieval Watermill Bundle

Check out the latest additions to our catalog!

Hill Giant Bone Fire Pit - EnderToys Terrain

This Hill Giant Bone Fire Pit variety pack has everything you need to build a complete scene, including 5 stone slab benches, a campfire, and a hill giant bone pit ring. Pick up some of our existing Hill Giant Bone Mounds to expand your setting and build upon a unique hill giant theme! The pieces included also make great objective markers, or may act as interesting and extraordinary obstacles on the battlefield. Get yours now for only $14.99!

Medieval Watermill Bundle - EnderToys Terrain

Next up we have our Medieval Watermill Bundle. This set matches the scale and design of our Modular Waterways and includes a nice assortment of segments to get you started. Also included is one of our Cobblestone Bridges, a well suited overpass for narrow and winding river channel tiles. With a total of 10 pieces that may span across a wide range of playable area this is a great value at $29.99!

Subscribers can save 20% on these new products until November 1, 2020 at 11:59 PM PDT with discount code 26OCT20—sign up here.

Not what you're looking for? Don't fret, as we are always releasing new terrain and open to new ideas. Get in contact and let us know what you'd like to see us make next.

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